Call for Paper

The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Research Winter School brings together scholars to discuss academic advancements in the emerging research field of entrepreneurial ecosystems (see e.g. Stam 2015; Wurth et al. 2019; Theodoraki 2024). Early-career scholars, including PhD candidates, are particularly invited to participate and present their work. Previous editions have been held in Utrecht, Casablanca, Paris and Stuttgart.

In this edition of the Research Winter School, we aim to provide a unique opportunity for early-career researchers to meet, network with international scholars from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) teams over the world, collaborate, and test research ideas with fellow academics involved in research on the configurations, mechanisms, and evolutionary dynamics of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. 

The event will take place at the University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain, in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Research School (EERS) lead team. Expect a dynamic three-day program featuring intensive feedback sessions, interactive workshops, and discussions with leading academics and peers worldwide.


  • Explore relational, organizational and economic perspectives of entrepreneurial ecosystems 

  • The evolutionary and longitudinal dynamics of entrepreneurial ecosystems 

  • The specificities of non-western Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (big south, low income countries, etc.)

  • Unlocking the structure, configuration and value chain mechanisms of entrepreneurial ecosystems

  • Ethic, inclusiveness and social dimensions of entrepreneurial ecosystems 

  • Theoretical challenges towards entrepreneurial ecosystem research 

  • Methods for entrepreneurial ecosystem research, with a specific interest in novel and unexplored approaches


The program will include: 

  • Keynote Sessions: Erik Stam (Utrecht University), Niels Bosma (Utrecht University), Didier Chabaud (Sorbonne Business School), Gregory Gueneau (ADALIA Institute), Christina Theodoraki (IAE de Aix Marseille) ... and more to come

  • Paper Development Workshops 

  • A Meet the Editors Session: Erik Stam (ET&P), Christina Theodoraki (SBEJ, SBM, RIPME) ... and more to come

  • A Methods Workshop

  • Bridged Tracks with GEM annual meeting 2025, including launch of the GEM 2024-2025 Report

  • An Interactive Session to discuss the future of entrepreneurial ecosystem research

The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Winter School invites PhD students, early-career and advanced scholars engaged in Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Research. Participants are encouraged to submit their abstracts and papers prior to attendance, facilitating in-depth paper development workshops at the school. These collaborative sessions with experienced and peer scholars will accelerate the refinement of your work and enrich the discourse in the field. Projects that are still in the early stages are also very welcome!

Abstract: 2,000 words (max), excluding references, including introduction/objectives, literature review, method, results, discussion, implications, and limitations (1.5 spaced, 12pt Times New Roman).

Submit your abstract via :

important notice : you shall register by clicking on "login" before submitting


We encourage accepted attendees to participate physically in Bilbao. Exceptions can be considered for online participation (hybrid). To attend the Winter School as a non-presenter, please indicate your interest to before the event, and participation will be confirmed based on availability.


  • A registration fee of 250 € per participant of  (physical attendance) and 100€ (online attendance) contributes to cover the costs (gala dinner, lunches and coffee breaks included). 

  • Accepted participants need to take charge of the traveling costs and accommodation in Bilbao.

Registration to the event : 

please go on the following website to register yourself and pay the registration fees :


Partners :     


Scientific Committee: 

  1. EERS Lead team : Erik Stam (Utrecht University, Netherlands), Niels Bosma (Utrecht University, Netherlands), Didier Chabaud (Sorbonne Business School, France), Christina Theodoraki (IAE Aix Marseille, France), Grégory Guéneau (Adalia Institute, Morocco)
  2. Local Team : Ana Fernández Laviada (Universidad de Cantabria), Iñaki Peña Legazkue (Universidad de Deusto), Maria Saiz (University of the Basque Country)
  3. Partners : Christophe Schmitt (Université de Lorraine)


  • Deadline for abstract submission:
    Tuesday, 10 December 2024, 23:59 CET 

  • Decision for abstract acceptance:
    Monday, 16 December 2024

  • Deadline for registration (as a presenter or attendance only):
    Friday, 10 January 2025, 23:59 CET 

  • Deadline for submission of final paper/updated abstract:
    Friday, 24 January 2025, 23:59 CET 

  • Program available: Friday, 31 January, 2025

References :


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